Battery options BESIDES Optima?

I was in the auto parts buisness for 20+ years.
Rule of thumb was, white/clear case battery was made by Johnson Controls, if it was a black case, it was made by Exide. No matter what color the top is.
What you paid for the battery from the mfg, was whether you were assuming the warranty or if it was going back on the mfr.
Wal Mart buys it's batteries without a warranty from the mfg.

When I use a new battery, no matter what type, I alway put a 2-amp charge to fully bring the battery up. I was instructed by a battery rep in my younger days, to do this.
I have always had great battery life by doing this.

I currently work for a Heavy equipment company.
Anything that has a vibe unit, comes with Red Top Optima's in it from the factory.
The only time I have to replace one is when they get stolen from the machine. LOL