69 Barracuda Notch, resto in progress

Quarter glass is correct terminology, thanks, I was having a brain fart trying to remember. Now i wont feel like i'm chasing my tail looking for the right part. Checked out Year One, already placed a large order with them. I'm sure there will be other large orders in the future.

Checking up on the screw kits, its always the little details that can stop a project dead. After the screws get in I'll be repairing the dash, (picked up a PLASTEX kit) and letting the wife have a go at repainting it. Have to get her involved before she starts thinking I have a mistress in the driveway.

Also been reading up on "other" resto companies, from what I gather Jims, PG Classics (and affiliates) are a waste of time and money. How does the community feel about Classic Industries? Are there any other companies that I should steer away from, and delete from my bookmarks bar?