Finally bit the bullet and bought a TIG welder

MIG requires a slow and patient hand on sheet metal work. Go back and planish 3" of beads, move on, etc...

I want to make a gas tank with rear entry/ license plate for my 240Z!

I'm also going to build a ton of aluminum parts for my six banger Charger. I wanna see how close to 2500 I can get!

I'd also like to help other people out with their project ideas. I know that 74 Dusted was looking to build a low rise intake for his 671. This would make short work of it.

I'm also going to weld some old beer cans together, just for fun.

I watched a guy do it and he used a big gas cone, dropped amps, sharpened a 3/32" tungsten, hit it with 110Hz and 60/40 balanced AC. looked like he wasn't even trying.