Smokers Beware

We get UA'd at work now just for nicotine. If we or someone on our policy (spouse, children) smoke or are found to have nicotine in our system it adds $600 dollars/year or $50 dollars per month each to our health insurance premiums.

Weed on the other hand is now legal for recreational use. I have known many people who grow and smoke weed. I have not met anyone who grows tobacco. I think the weed is probably cheaper to smoke and the cigarettes are easier to regulate because no one is growing their own tobacco. Nobody I ever met anyway. My 2 cents: people have the right to regulate themselves. Very few people who use harmful substances (cake) are out of control with it. Most people exercise moderation. And if they don't they live with the consequences.
On the positive, I have not smoked since before Thanksgiving. Now I am bothered by the smell of everyone around me who does smoke: go figure. apparently there is a good chance I was offending others rights to not have to smell it. And food tastes better. that's is probably not what I need at 245 lbs LOL.