Smokers Beware

I hesitate to comment on this thread to give my viewpoint cuz I know that it can become a heated topic. But.

I'm a non smoker. I drink occasionally. My drinking does not pollute the air around me; nor does it cause ill effects on the health of people around me.

I don't have to take a (smoke ) break multiple times a day while doing my job.

The cost of my health insurance is high partly because I am subsidizing the cost of health care for smokers.

My wife's grandparents were both smokers before they died from it. They always said it was their right. Even after they had to have lots of help from family members cuz they, one by one, lost lung capacity to the point that they were so winded, just walking to the kitchen, they had to sit down and rest before making the trek back to the living room. But "it's my life, no ones gonna tell me how to live". Eventually it killed them both. But not before it took its toll on their family.

No hate here, just stating my experience. And non smokers have rights too.


Same thing here except I do not drink at all... Never have... I do not care what someone else does as long as it does not have any effect on me.. I don't want to smell it or even care to watch someone do it.. Just me...