corvettes eaten by mother nature

Yes sir thats some funny stuff,massive hole,cars look like matchbox cars...but o well at least it wasnt anything that'd be missed,they will prob save most of them... if it was me I'd just bury them where they are and put up a monument and sell tickets to the chebby guys as a wailing wall and make a ton of money,this was prob the only worthwhile acheivement these cars will ever be involved if it had been MOPARs then a state of national emergency should be implemented since that would be alot bigger deal and a real loss...

lol.Better yet I forsee a time when there is a giant clear floor over the cars so people can come by and PAY to see the historical event.Only chevy lovers would pay good money and make a vacation trip to go see cars that you could see pretty much all types at a local cruise in or car show.I'm just 1 hour south of Bowling Green so I hear this crazy stuff all the time.