Smokers Beware

I can imagine.

One of the things that I did that helped Amy quit, when I met her, was give her a lot of alternatives. She quit cold, but it wasn't without moral support. It was about 8 months to a year before she said she stopped craving them on a mental level. Physical addiction was over in about 3 months or so. She was smoking for about 7 years.

The only thing that I have witnessed that has actually worked in my circle of friends and family, was half a lung removed in one case, and moral support and alternatives/ goals/ rewards given in 3 other cases. You'd be surprised at how well a reward system can work, without any alternative nicotine. Gum does help.

When you've got a reward set for meeting levels of time without smoking, coupled with moral support and an immediate alternative when you have cravings, it gives you somewhere to go, instead of nowhere.