Push Button heat/ac control module

Hey, thank you ! Mine is a 5 button - I'll look at Paddock and Echlin - I haven't pulled the unit out of the dash yet - I assume it's broken because 2 buttons are stuck in and 1 of the 2 is crooked as a dogs hide leg ! so I think it doesn't look good. I am hoping I can repair it if it's not to bad but know dodge/Chrysler used this unit on a lot of other models - my dad had a 67 Cuda fastback that had the same setup and have seen it on other models also. Just may have to go searching for this if not repairable !
Thank you for the info !!

I just bought one from ebay (5 button). there's quite a few for sale there. It was for my 69 Cuda A/C heater, mine had a vacuum leak. Wanna see a pic???
