Do I have the wrong lower control arm

Yeah we got to talking and thinking and even though the welding isn't an issue at all getting both sides square and lined up properly sounded like a real issue. There's aplace that has the qa1 k-member in stock in nearby Tulsa, so I'll just have to go to harbor freight, get a cherry picker, stop and pick up the k-frame, and hold the engine up and drop the k-member and replace. More work but it's the best way. $600 bucks + $150 or so for the cherry picker isn't so bad I guess, since I gain some benefits with the qa1 k-member I can take advantage of later. More unplanned work though. It's like I'll never get this car ready to take home to Gulfport! The positive part of the whole situation is that we didn't put any of the suspension parts in yet, so dropping the k-member should be pretty easy. The only thing I'm unsure about is whether I have to drop the steering column or not, but if I do no biggie. I did it 6 or 8 times when I did my instrument cluster a couple weeks ago.