1963 t'flite ID

iam not a trans expert. but i have found this EXTERNAL filter. first some hints. on the coolant lines if you use hose it needs to be high pressure hose. and fluid goes into the rear fitting on the left side. and ONLY use steel tubing ( 3/8" ),,, copper tubing WILL FAIL, or high pressure hose. when working on chrysler products and you are not sure what to do, look at how chrysler did it. dont think your know more than chrysler. iam not saying you cant improve on what chrysler did. but dont out think your self.
man o man i about forgot yes its a cut & past sorry. __________________
after you clean the trans. add this to your*chrysler*trans. an external fluid filter
1. go to auto-zone. get 2210, its called a power steering filter, but it is for transs to. it is for 3/8 tubing. by (magna-fine) be sure to use high pressure hose. Reff:http://www.magnafilter.com
2. for other sizes wix 58964 5/16 tube size