Any mopar car clubs out there?

Mopars of Las Vegas,, If it weren't for Ed being a take charge guy I doubt that there would be a club. You need someone to be devoted to send info, e-mails, contacts,set up a web site,Also someone that will devote all of his free time to find out all things auto related in your area. Because of the club there are benefits,, Music videos, Movies, Business openings etc.They are filming a movie now and contacted the club for cars to be driven only by the owners and the owners also get to be extras in the film. Can be fun stuff with some work .

- Sounds like you're pretty happy with the way Ed is keeping it going. What kind of film is it going to be? A film just for member enjoyment about Mopars? - Or a movie style film with actors and a script? It sounds really cool already!