318 Over Heating (Its Not Mine!)

Age old question Ed, is the bottom hose collapsing? You seem to be having issues when working the engine.

no dice on the lower

So when it gets hot, how long does it take to come back down to a normal temp if you pull off and sit with it running?

The age-old formula has always been, if it overheats at speed, there's not enough cooling capacity. If it overheats while sitting, not enough airflow capacity.

My feeling is that you simply don't have enough radiator. Remember that most every Mopar with AC used a 26" wide radiator. You may have to figure a way to get a thicker core in there.

both lol... it wont come down if you pull off and its to hot at idle. We decided we think the rad is to small to, by moving some stuff around we think we can add 200 sq inches and maybe another fan.