High Impact Color Production % #'s

Thx for the info.. appreciate the leg work.. Would you possibly know the % of 72 340 Demons in TB3?


Hello there

I have it on good authority from people who worked at the plant during that time that no less than 120 and no more than 200 were originally TB3 cars. My good friend worked in the engine assembly plant during that time and called some old friends for this information. That is ALL the JM cars produced. If you accept the american production numbers for 340 demons as less than 9,000. Approximately 1,800 were D21 (4 speed) cars. The production of "C" (canadian cars) and export cars were not recorded. So given this information you could safely assume that about 20 340 demons came in TB3 paint.

This was the lowest production colour for this year. Black was the second least produced. This may seem wrong as it is a very popular colour and many A-bodies are painted this. But very few came stock in this colour. For a purist like myself only original will do.

By the way I have an original 1972 JM D21 TB3 car.