Matt Cooke....

for all you Matt Cooke haters. Utube "Evander Kane VS Matt Cooke."
if everyone who hates Matt Cooke checks that video out (I didn't) then it would set a record for views on youtube.

btw 4spd, the 'wiping the slate clean after 18 months' just refers to the way a suspension is handled as far as pay being deducted- this is from Kerry Fraser's column on the TSN website:

My colleague and friend Bob McKenzie shared the following information with me that should address your questions. A player's record is expunged if he goes 18 months without an infraction but that only applies to the formula for calculating lost wages. If a player has a fine or suspension in last 18 months, he's a repeat offender and the lost wages formula is based on number of games suspended (5/82 for a five game suspension) as opposed to number of days (5/182 for a five game suspension in a 182-day regular season).
But a player's "history" stays with him as a permanent record and the NHL can take into account any or all past transgressions when determining length of a suspension.

In other words, Cooke should have been handled properly in regards to this event (and not suspended 7 measly games for putting ANOTHER player out).