Mopar and Motley Crew

tried to go to Theater of Pain at the old Gardens but after getting in I had to leave , we were the only guys old enough to drink who weren't there with an 11 year old daughter , to creepy for me , we booked and went to the Shamrock to watch Lee Aaron instead .

Never heard of the bout Rock n Roll Heaven? That place was killer!!

Lee Aaron, she made cameltoe fashionable! :blob:

I saw the GGG tour in Calgary, but it wasn't Whitesnake opening (can't remember who it was). Then the next time they were in Calgary, Vince apparently said "It's great to be back in Edmonton!!!". After basically being booed off the stage they've never been back lol.

LOL, I know that if I had their $$ 1/2 would be spent on lawyers and bail....the other 1/2 would be why I need lawyers....:glasses7: