I quit the restoration shop.

Bridges are always nice, but not always needed. To be honest, I've never had my income hurt by prior employers, nor have I ever attempted to travel down those avenues, after I quit the places that I had worked for. I've been at this shop for almost six years.

I did leave on good terms with my employer. He understood the problem I was facing, but I don't know that I'm really going back in that direction for much, if anything, I'll just be tying up loose ends, cash on the head or in a way that the IRS and DOL won't red flag him for and burn him, but until I talk to my tax preparer and the IRS about it, I'm not touching it with a ten foot pole.

The thing is, I know he can set up shop legit with me, but I think it would have to go through the DOL at this point, because of the task force looking into my case. That means he'd likely have to pay at least some sort of fine and all of the back taxes on my behalf, which I'm not sure he can even do at this point.

I mean, if he gets stomped by them, well, I guess that's the way the chips fall, but I'm not out to ruin anyone. It kind of pisses me off, because it put me out, two fold, but I'm fine with simply cutting my losses and moving on.

I'll keep screwing around with cars. I want to get at least one in a magazine. You may see that soon.