360 is still running hot

Those are simply two things that are incorrect beyond the shadow of a doubt. You should fix them before trying to diagnose any further. You can make a support spring from a coat hanger if you cannot find one. I don't know if fixing either or both will solve your problem, but it certainly will not hurt.

I will look for a spring or make something, for that lower hose. Then figure out what to do about that t-stat.

I have a coupla thoughts,,

I'm not sure I like that solid plate the fans are mounted on,, it appears to me to be blocking airflow and possibly the resulting turbulence affecting the flow of air to the small round areas avail, then the fan motor themselves block flow... jmo..

Can you not remove that whole elec fan assmbly,, and just bolt on any reg. fan you got,, with a shrould would be nice,, but just drive it with the fan,, and see what it does..

hope it helps

I was debating about the spots the fan was not, blocking air flow. I figured if I did that then the fans would not pull air thru the radiator properly so I left them enclosed. I could cut them open larger but need to leave some material there so that the fans have a stable mounting.

I would take the thermostat out all together. Don't really need it in there if only driving in the warmer months. And you are also blocking half of your radiator. You bought a 3 row and electric fans but you are only cooling where the fans are. Cut some big holes in the spots where there are no fans. You are blocking air flow everywhere except where the fans are. Its there- use it. I have a stock 360 with an old beat up 2 row radiator and it never over heats. I don't even have a shroud on it. Also- is your radiator coolant mixed 50/50? Another thing is-take your upper rad hose and unhook at rad side and lift higher than block and rad. Use a radiator pressure checker and "push" Rad coolant to try and make sure of n air pockets in head. May even be able to unhook heater core hoses and lift those higher than engine and rad.

I dont drive the car in winter months here, but may in the spring and fall when its a bit cooler out.

When I had the old beat up radiator on the car. I was using a factory 7 blade fan with out a shroud and over heated worse than now. I am running a 50/50 mix in the car. I was wondering about air pockets in the engine so that is a for sure idea.

I think you may have hit the nail on the head. The plate the fans are mounted on is slammed right up against the radiator, in essence cutting off air flow to all but where the fans are mounted. I think we have a winner.

Actually its about 1 inch back from the fins. But I can imagine that is close enough to cause these problems also. Like stated I can take the shroud off and cut some bigger openings where those fans are not to allow more air flow thru the radiator.