Offset spring shackles hangers set ups

hey straightline, I`ve got an idea for u. take one new spring pad, cut it in exactly in half on a band saw. trying to be perfect. you can bring it down to exactly 3/4" wide on a fixed belt sander.
these 2 pieces can be clamped up against ur original spring pads ( leveled perfect w/ them,of course on the inside to to get the offset right)
weld them in short runs, alternating from side to side as not to get your housing too hot and warp it, may let it cool a little between welds. weld it to the pads on the spring surface too, u can finish grind the weld back flat when done. redrill a couple of holes 3/4" over, and it`s done, u don`t have to cut the original pads off, if done this way. I came up w/ the idea when thinking about keeping the pad angle right. worked like a charm, faster, and easier to do, don`t get ur housing hot cutting the old pads off. if you need a spring pad to cut in half, I still have the new one I didn`t use. guess I could cut it and finish sand it for you for a small fee if your worried about doing it yourself--------------------bob:blob:

That is a great tip to cut a spring perch in half and do that process so you keep the same angle and you can always put it back to stock if you so choose.

They alow for a 10.5" section width tire in a 67-69 dart.

Another option for your bushings is to go poly.

I would like to run wider tires for sure. What width rim is recommended for a tire that wide?

Those look good man, to bad I dont trust my fab skills for something like this.

Here is a pic.

I would just go ahead and do the mini tub. You are better off in the long run.

Thank you for pic, I like the look for sure! Mini tubbing is more than I want to get into on this project.

Here are the pics I promised.
If you look closely at the third pic you can just see the hole I had to put in the rail so the nut on the spring bolt wouldn't keep the new spring perch from seating against the rail. The kit I bought uses the stock mounting holes as you can see. I can measure it but it sure look like I gained 3/4".


So basically you just have to drill a hole large enough for the head of the bolt in the frame rail. Do you drill this all the way thru so you can get a socket on it to tighten it all or just one side? Looks like a fairly simple install, hardest part is welding on the perches IMO. If I dont have spring sag and my springs seem to be in good condition I dont have to get new ones do I?