Woman fined after hanging Canadian flags on her backyard frence

..who was the silly tard who said fences could only be so high..it it is a subdivision , if it is a covenant, is not enforceable...

Do they also have to have 3 kids, drive a Saturn and eat out an micky dD's once a week...

Reminds me of the movie "over the hedge"..

I live in a very high covenanted subdivion..the first person who moved in a built a house broke a bunch of them...so much for that..

Neighbours should mind their own business...

Look at it this way... The fence is 10' tall with having the flags on it and it is only to be a maximum of 6'6" by code. The flags may be blocking needed sunlight that the neighbor wants for his garden or the lack of sunlight may be depressing. What right does she have to violate the code? She has already exceeded the legal fence height and now she wants even more.

My guess is that she chose to use the flags because she though she could get away with the fence being 10'. If it is just about the flags lower them down to the 6'6" height at the top and the flag problem will go away.

If she is so worried about people seeing the pool, install another 6'6" fence right at the edge of the pool. That will reduce the sight triangle drastically.

I would hate to have her as my neighbor, that is for sure.