No wonder USPS is loosing their astrict... RANT New stop Dallas Texas!!! Grrrr!

Ohhh this is NOTHING! I filed for my income tax return INHOUSE my wife did all the paper work and math......Sent it in on January 23rd I think it was as nothing was being excepted till after Jan. 21st 2014. WELL, I was TOLD by the tracking feature of the IRS that my return was "enroute" in MARCH.....yeah ENROUTE MY ***.....I wound up getting nothing! I kept hearing its lost, its lost by the USPS......After about a month of that ****, finally a check arrives! For HALF of my refund.....My wife's checking into it, this was 3 weeks ago, I got NO papers to state or show what or why I only got half of the amount, I was to get....The local "state" portion of that, I got the full amount but the Federal amount was only half.....So now with the "tracking" the IRS has provided us with, the paper work really is "lost" they have no idea where the hell it is! SO, NOW we need to get the ball rolling all over again!

Sadly, they will not send these papers to us online to have a look at and because we did the taxes ourself, we get the good ole "F-U" so to speak from anyone, IRS related, OR tax return help.....SO, this means if we don't get this straightened out, I may wind up loosing $3,000 plus!

AND then I got the IRS telling me its in the mail, and provide a tracking number, and then I have the USPS telling me, its "lost" well isn't this a GREAT ******* system we got? Not to mention BOTH are GOVERNMENT run organizations!?