Today's WTF were they thinking??????

I happen to think Superbirds are ugly as ****, so there ya go..............

U think they are ugly, but they are so COOL!! I think u would change you mind if u got to drive one and or drive with one on the roads! Seeing one behind u cruising is the coolest look with the nose and wing high above the roof line! Really no different than driving a RR except for being VERY careful with the extra nose length that u CAN'T see when driving!
I really like them and it's a great feeling driving one! I've driven my friends White 440-4, bench 4spd many times. He also has a Lime Light green, 440-6, bench 4spd that was driven when I first met him thru friends. The green one hasn't been driven in a long time. This guy bought them when they were cheap!!!