74 Dart possessed by Satan...

Red is Right. If the starter cranks every time, it is NOT the NSS

PLEASE POST a link to any previous related threads. It is NOT a great idea to start a new thread on what is probably the 'same' problem

You top suspects are

A...problems / bad connections in the bulkhead (firewall) connector.

B...Problems at the ammeter connections

C...Problems at the ignition switch HARNESS CONNECTOR. This is the connector which dangles out at the bottom of the dash and goes "up into" the column. THERE ARE TWO of these, one for ignition, and one for the turn signal switch

D...Somewhat more rare, the switch itself.

E...And in very very rare cases there's a factory welded splice in the black ammeter wire up under the dash, taped up in the harness. These can, do, and might fail. They are RARE.

You need to get a meter and do some troubleshooting. You can throw parts at these until you are blue in the face. You can also spend one 'ell of a lot of money on parts

We can help you step by step


1....A decent multimeter

2...Some clip / test leads, such as from Radio Shack

3...A 12 V test lamp from any auto parts store

4....The ability to follow destructions exactly, pay attention, and post back here

5....Sometimes very helpful is the ability to take reasonably good quality photos of a wiring problem area so we can look things over

6....Last but hardly least is to download or otherwise buy / get a FACTORY service manual


However, 73 is the newest we have. You should BUY a 74 manual either in paper or on CD

