any computer gurus here?

I hope to hell .............not

The problem with this "big city" thinking is the same problem that plagues ALL of us who 'aren't' whether speaking of cell phone coverage, wideband internet, or cable TV

"When you are out in the sticks" or in some other situation where "you can't see the clouds" are screwed.

The fact of the matter is, there is just LOTS of places where "clouds" do not make any sense at all........unless your name is Microshit

One other thing Microsoft is headed towards very quickly is to have ALL harware and software Microsft approved or it won't work.
Sound cards, video cards, peripherals, everything.
They are even setting up for a BIOS that checks to see if the OS you are trying to install is a MS product and if not, it won't install.
Heck even to buy MS office anymore they sell you a box at the store with a card with a serial number on it instead of a CD and you have to sign up for a MS account before you can download the software you just bought.
So even just to buy thier overpriced software you have to give them personal info first.
If it was up to me Linux would run them out of business, but then I'd need to find a different job. :D

Did you know that all this malicious software and viri going around costing craploads of money to the end user and damaging MS operating systems could be filtered out of our internet before we even go online?
Microsoft owns the patent on it, so IP's can't implement it without paying them, and the price is too high to make it reasonable to use.
(effectively making it where no one else can use the same type of system)

They (MS) also offered to extend support for XP if a company had too many systems to make it reasonable to upgrade them any time soon.
The cost is one million dollars a year for 250 systems.
Nice guys huh?
They intentionally screw you and then sell you the pain killer at a price determined by them.
What a racket.