HELP, Wiring Problem


I'm not that great with Wiring and going to rewire my swather because it has 50 yr old wiring in it. Anyway, I took Pictures of everything and on how it was hooked up to use as a reference to rewiring it and my wife deleted everything on the SD card I had in the damn camera. All my components have been replace and are new but I can't remember where the hell each wire goes. Attached is an image of the staring and charging components of the swather. This is ALL It has, it has no lights, radio ext.. just this stuff. (and the dist and plugs and wires but I didn't change those out). I know I should have done this one wire at a time but I wasn't expecting the wife to delete my SD card on the camera. Can anyone help me with this. I have this weekend to get it running before the state mows the edge of the Road Ditches and I loose about 3 bales of hay from that if I can't get it cut first. I am willing to send someone some paypal money (20 bucks) if you have a paypal account and I can get this thing running. Please find the attached image as to what is on this thing. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU. (I hate electrical work).