Rapom's Rocket - just another Duster build thread

Progress report: Wiring is now complete from the altenator to the Ford starter and continuous duty relays in the back seat. All that's left is routing to the battery and the cutoff switch and their hookups. I know more boring electrical work. Not much visually exciting here but every wire done represents hours and hours of routing, cutting, soldering, heat shrinking and last but not least - thought. Since these photos were taken I rerouted the black 4 ga. cable on the left to follow the other cables on that side.

A new Voltage Regulator, purchased at MATS a few years ago, is also adorning the passenger's inner fender.

I totally hear you on the wiring thing. Boring as heck, doesn't look cool, just has to be done. Not my favorite.

I kept my CDR right next to the stock starter relay, you can kind of see it behind the J bar here. Makes it easy to pull power off of the CDR for all the underhood stuff, like the relays for my fans in this picture. Eventually I need to do the bypass on the stock alt gauge, install a voltmeter, and put in a headlight relay. That should finish all of my electrical housekeeping, although everything is currently working through the stock alt gauge.