have you ever slept in your car

Rani, sounds like your about the same height at my wifey. Her drivers license say's 4'10"

But I think she's actually more like 4'8", but she wont let me near her with a tape measure...lol

yup, all my official documents say 4'9" but I always say 4'10" because when you tell most people your 4'9" they usually ask if there is something wrong with you.......no I don't think so.

I think your height is determined by your size when you are born. I have a twin sis and she was born first and she was double my size and now as an adult she is almost 5'6" ......I was the second baby and the docs originally told my parents that I wouldn't live past a few months from being too small. I wish I knew who those docs were so I could go back now and tell them HAHA...you were WRONG....KA- CHOW