What should I do?

Is your employer really that bad? I would be looking for a better job, son. Geezus that in itself should be grounds for one e'll of a lawsuit.

Or are you worried "the other direction," you should have gotten attention and you didn't? The thing is, we are all human, and most of us here are not medical professionals. Hell, I don't even play one on TV. You could not know that "later" you would feel jacked up on this.

Maybe a little (true) humor?

When I was "in" HVAC service, I was cleaning a condenser, and got some sort of cinder blown into one eye. I thought it would come out, of course, and it didn't. Next morning I found myself getting looked at with some machine stuck in my eye. Hell, I didn't know WTF she was doing, they never tell you. She had the damn thing tuned into one eye, and announced "I have to be honest, I cannot see A THING in your eye."

"Well," says I, "that's because THE OTHER EYE is the one that hurts!!!!"

(Hell I could tell the troubled eye just looking in the mirror!!! All red and swollen up!!!)