what is the deal with my 225 /six compression?

Oh crap!! I know this is an old thread.
However, I came across it and realized I did it wrong?
I did a compression test, since I have a slight rough idle, and a slight pop out of the tailpipe once in a while, and some black stuff shooting out the tailpipe when starting. It does run a bit rich, but not as much since the rebuilt.
I think my carb, even though it was just rebuilt, is wore out. Carter BBS. It is even leaking gas ever so slightly out of the top gasket. It's damp there. Maybe old warped carb.
Although, she does run like a beast! 1965/225

I didn't remove all the plugs??? And didn't hold the throttle wide open during cranking??
I removed one at a time, and put them back.
I didn't know they all had to be out of the engine at the same time? Does it matter that much?
My readings were:
Should I redo it with the plugs all out?