22 ammo anyone have it yet??????

As far as employee purchases where I work, we never get any, unless we come in on our day off. We can't buy any in our company shirts, we never know what or when we will get some, until it is brought to the gun counter and it must ALL be unboxed and put behind the counter, but in full view. People started complaining that we were holding some back because they could see a case under the work area. It was 50 round boxes of Federal Ultra Match 22lr, 19.99 for a 50 round box. It is a Olympic Grade target match ammo. We had to unbox and display 200-50 round boxes of that crap and have maybe sold 10 boxes it 3 months! It's always a conspiracy. Get caught hiding or holding some back and it is instant termination. They reminded one employee that buying and selling ammo on the side was grounds for termination, based on what they thought was excess purchases of ammo. He shoots every day.