Trying to get the heater working

Thanks for the clarification TrailBeast! Ok, good news, bad news. Found the blower motor plug and it appears that the selector works. I have power in all 3 speeds. Pulled the blower motor and figured out that reason it was squealing was because the blower wheel was too close to the firewall so it was binding. Scooted it out on the shaft about an 1/8" and no more squeal. From the motor part number it appears to be from a newer Grand Cherokee. Made up a couple of wires and connected one terminal to the harness plug and grounded the other terminal to the firewall. Now the blower works on all 3 speeds. Now the bad news. The air appears to be going nowhere. Can't feel it from the a/c vents, the defrost vents or anywhere around the case. Speaking of which, where does the heater blow out to? Couldn't see any vents pointing toward the floor. Best I can tell, the dampers must all be in the closed position so vacuum is not being applied to the appropriate places. Pulled the glove box and removed the dash pad so I could see what was going on and found out there was only one vacuum line connected on the selector, one vacant and one broken. Are there only 3? Across the top of the heater box were 3 lines but the solid black one was not connected to anything. Also the one that went to the vacuum pot I questioned was there going off to the left. The selector has the cable connected securely and appears to be functioning. Also investigated that vacuum pot on the driver's side and the case is definitely busted. Can I get replace that vacuum connector on the selector or do I have to buy another selector? The way it's broken off, I can't even plug it to continue testing. I guess I'll see if I can glue that vacuum pot panel back in place. Advice, opinions, thoughts? On a side note, any idea what the 2 prong plug in the last photo might go to? It's just hanging down in front of the heater box.