Trying to get the heater working

Thanks again, TylerW! I guess I'll have to pull the selector after all, so I can get a good look at it. There were no other lines coming out of it. So, the line that is in place should be the one that goes to the water valve, right? The one that's missing goes to the other, multiple port, connector that I haven't seen yet? As mentioned before, in the trunk, was a wad of vacuum lines and there was a molded connector connected to several of them. I'll dig that out of the basement and see. I've seen pics on Google and looked at that Ebay listing after our prior conversation. I'm assuming that the 5 ports in a diamond on the right are the one's that the molded connector plugs in, one of the other two is one from the other 2 port connector, with the white stripe, and the last one is the source from the reservoir/intake?