What if I don't change my Master Cylinder on a disc conversion?

niiice.. but let me help you to a logical conclussion,,

With one stroke of the pedal with an open bleeder,, it certainly doesn't empty the reservoir,, not even close..

Were you to have marked the fluid level before the stroke,, and then take note after,, there may be as much as 1/4inch of fluid loss in a single 4(?) inch stroke,,,

ergo,, with well adjusted brakes, regular pedal tavel would be 1 -2 inches..

Wellll,, if in a 4 inch stoke you move a 1/4 incha res. fluid,, hmmm with 2 inch stroke... you got 1/8 inch of res. fluid moving back and forth, back and forth,, in the M/C,, how many cc's you think that is..??

Oh never mind, ..lol ... cheers

PS Have you had this discussion with Del,.. lol.. How'd that end for ya..?? cheers