It is what is right for Root Beer

Car is listed at $8k. Gotta start somewhere right? Ive got $6 k into it after purchase. These beauties are not money makers. They are good times though. Yes ill miss it.
I have 2 motorcycles a camper, a utility trailer, wife's honda, the fj. Its sad but the Dart loses the argument. If I keep it, it falls apart. I can't live with that. Knowing somebody can continue what I have with this car.

I too have Had cars come and go. Has the one been my favorite, nope. But it has been one of my better classics, due to the fact I have been able to afford the gas and upkeep to drive it everyday.

I do get to looking at getting a SRT 300 or SRT Charger. Hellcat be nice but way too much for daily use.