Engine dyno software. Anything good on the Internet?

Correct, for some reason apple think people will pay for copyright material that is encoded in propriety format that can then only be played back on propriety software, most of which is only compatible with propriety hardware! :wack:

This is a mopar forum so i'll put it into car context.

It's about the equivalent of buying a brand new mopar that can only be driven on mopar approved roads (hardware) and only runs on mopar approved gas (software). The car might be fantastic value but if the roads are rutted and always take the long way to your destination (complicated interface, constant crashes and slow load times) and the fuel gives you crappy mileage (battery life) and needs constant refilling (updates).

That's when you get into hot-rodding and build a car that works how YOU want it to!

Hmm i like this analogy even though it's pretty vague. :burnout:

Hence why I will never ever ever buy a apple product!