The Kelsey-Hayes Disk Brake Swap Thread

Also: it's super important to make sure the boot grooves are clean-clean-clean on these calipers. I've seen "remanufactured" calipers with compacted rust and trash in the boot grooves, that can be chipped out with a sharp screwdriver. If there's trash in the groove, the boot won't keep out water, and then you're gonna cry at least ninety-six tears.

Early Frod Mustang disc brakes are also the Kelsey-Hayes 4-piston caliper system, using the same 1.64" bore and the same piston, and here's availability on that piston in stainless. Too bad 4-lug wheels on the Mustang instead of 5-lug, or we might have had easy availability of new hubs! This outfit offers the 4-piston A-body calipers rebuilt with the stainless pistons, and while I have no experience with them they say all their calipers are done in the United States -- if that's true, it would put them points above the "Assembled in an ISO 9001 Certified Facility at One of our Global Locations to Serve You, our Valued Customer" handwaving bulk wrap we increasingly get at the parts store.

Be very, very careful and do a hard search for the correct hardware before substituting hardware store bolts for the caliper bolts. The originals are a special shouldered design to locate the calipers correctly.