gas prices? WHY????

The Short and sweet of it, thanks to private Industry developing new technology to get oil out of North Dakota, the Saudi's as a result are hurting as bad as Russia. They need 75.00 a Barrel to break even.(they support terror and other countries in the region) They have not decreased production, because if they did the Americans would fill the gap. What a turn around for them finally. In North Dakota break even is 54.00 bucks and dropping. To keep Russia in perspective as to how weak they really are, their GNP is the same as the Whole state of Texas, 1 trillion per year. This is all good. it hurts the stock market because the big corporations have been gauging the consumer for years, now it is not the case. Any country Importing oil right now is very happy. Venezuela is suffering, as well. No more money for AK-47's, rocket launchers, and salaries for those Iranian guards they pay for to stay in charge. Even the Chinese are grumpy, as they spent big bucks buying contracts from other countries at 80+ per barrel when Oil was 100 bucks a barrel. Ouch! Within four years, technology will exist to Frack with CO2 Instead of water. Then the cost of recovery will drop again, and water use problems will disappear. This is actually good news. Leave it to Americans, and Canadians to develop this technology.