Brakes stickin after brake job

Rust in these front calipers is very common, and more so if they have been driven through water and will cause them to stick. If so, time to rebuild or even better, put new rebuilt calipers on. This has been my most common brake problem experience on these cars.

And pushing the caliper pistons back to install new pads can move the pistons back into the deeper part of the caliper bore, where water and crud will accumulate and the pistons will seize on the rust and crud back there. Very common on all sorts of disc calipers.

This gets back to the earlier comment that on these cars, when it comes time to work on the brakes and you don't know what has been done, you just shotgun the whole system. I used to fix one part at a time when I was younger and poorer and could trade time for $$, but I don't do that anymore.