8 3/4 seals rubbing on bearing retainers

Is the center spacer still in the center? There are 2 types of center spacers. the cone-type SG has a spacer that is captive on the cross-pin and cant fall out. But the clutch-type SG has a pair of pins that, although are pressed together at time of assembly, may come out with an axle.I had this happen to me. I found it in the tube. I suppose its possible for it to fall into the oil. Not sure if theres enough clearance for that to happen. In any case, you will need a powerful flashlite to see in there. Its a deep,dark, hole.
The gasket thickness fudging will only help the one side, because the adjuster, on the other will drive the axles towards the non adjuster side.So it will get better on the non-adjuster side, but worse on the adjuster side.
I guess the big question is; is the rubbing mark possibly from a previous install.