The 70 Duster......

No thank you and all those that bought the stuff. It has really lifted a burden off my dad not to have to mow and weed eat around all the stuff we had gathered over the years. Not to mention keeping tires up, things covered up and just taking care of what 30+ cars demands.

When I first had the heart to heart talk with my dad about selling off the untouched, unfinished cars. He was not excited about it at all to say the least! But I let him think it over until my next trip back home (we were living in Fort Worth at the time). I explained that I would pool all the money from everything I sold and buy ONE finished car. He said "IF you really think you can make that happen". He wanted a 70 Charger, 66-67 Satellite, 69-70 Road Runner or a newer Challenger. When the cars started getting sold off and picked up. I know he had his doubts that the plan would really happen. He never said anything to me about it but I knew watching him that with every car that left. It truly hurt him to watch the stuff go. I just kept plugging along with the plan and thought it over and over about what to do when we got closer to the finish line. We had 3 older Mopars that were pretty much finished so another older car would just mean more upkeep. So I wanted to get him something that he could get in and turn the key and go!! We just could not find what we were looking for in a newer Challenger. Either it was red, black or was a 6 speed manual. When this car came up last week I could not believe it!! It is optioned truly like he would have ordered it if he could have made it happen. Blue Streak Pearl, white stripes, modern Classic Magnum 500 style wheels and NO sunroof. Then being it was one owner, no tinted windows and documented service from day 1......JUST WHAT WE HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR!! :thumbrig::thumbrig: To say he (and to my surprise my mom) is happy? That would be an understatement! Oh man, they absolutely LOVE IT!!!!