Caliper rebuild lubricant

Um, thx ,I think.
My last employer hired me over others, because he had heard from my previous employers, that I had almost zero comebacks.( Ive been working in the same community since 84, and employers all know eachother).Thats some nice referral right there. I told him,my gift is not memory. My gift is figuring things out.Im tenacious that way, and patient, and persistent.But I have to record my sucesses in a diary, because a year from now, or maybe in 6 months, I may not remember what I did.Then I offered him the option of not hiring me.He refused the offer in in fact offered me 25% more starting wage. I declined the 25 and accepted 10%. We had a good relationship.
I make mistakes like everybody else.Maybe fewer than some.I try my best, always.I treat every job as if God himself was watching.
Where did that come from? I dunno. And what has that got to do with lubing O-rings? I dunno that either. Must be getting soft.