Right Place for Painting Advise?

I forgot to mention, I'm in an Aviation mechanics program and painting is covered. We have a full time painter who trains us. Come to think of it I might be able to get some free Boeing white paint from the school... can't be much different....
Not too different. Shop I once worked in shot aircraft with DuPont Imron. Excellent paint as long as one follows the instructions on the can and uses the appropriate ancillary chemicals. My painter told me that most get in trouble when they start juggling things so they can shoot when it's too cold/hot/damp.

Another piece of wisdom he passed on was to vent the paint booth. I built one in my garage using plastic sheeting like contractors use to cover material. Cover the floor, too. I taped boxes used for floor length mirrors together and cut small holes in the large rectangular side of the box. I connected the holey tube of boxes to a cut down box used for a dryer. Inside the dryer box, I put a couple of A/C filters and sealed them so that there was no way for air to get around them. At the open end of the dryer box, I secured a 36" shop fan with the air flowing away from the box.

This ventilation cut down on the paint fog and collateral damage from the spray. I was doing an under hood and a trunk at the time. When I took a break from the under hood, I changed the filters. It was amazing how much paint was in them. Even with all this precaution and using a mask, my nose hair was B3 colored for about a week. The paint booth converted back to a garage with no problems