Right Place for Painting Advise?

A few thoughts. I've been painting cars for about 35 years with no training (just hard knocks). Practice your spray technique with primer. If you want a nice job, You'll need a few coats of primer with lots of block sanding. If you get to where you can spray the primer nicely, you will probably be OK with the paint, especially white. Also, invest in a set of Dura Block sanding blocks and some 220, 320, 400 grit dry PSA (sticky back) sand paper. Don't get excited to see how shiny it will be and spray the white too wet. You will quickly see what gravity does to a heavy coat of wet paint. You might also but the Painting DVD from Kevin Tetz. He has an entire series called Paintucation, but for about $35 you could get just the painting one. Good luck.