"Next Victim"

Can we PLEASE get Scruffs her own Thread? Something like What Would Scruffs Do?

...just because he had his nuts clipped is no reason to call HIM a she....he is one of the boys!

LOL....my wife says he is just like me....

he cannot hear.....he is deaf , ear mites ate his eardrums before he found me.
he is loud.............probably something to do with being deaf....man, he roars
he stinks..............he enjoys farting on me...usually while he is napping.

He was a scrapper in his day....if you look close , you can see half his snorkus (nose) was nearly ripped off...and part of his ear is a little ragged.

when he first started hanging around (in WV), my prissy neighbor gal took one look at him and said...."WOW...that is the scruffiest cat I ever seen. I said "Hey....you just named him....Scruffs". She saw him 2 weeks later and didn't even think he was the same cat. Amazing what a little food will do for you.