shots from the garage...

727 101..... Griner T brake doesn't require an accumulator piston. Pro Trans brake DOES! :P maybe if the dang thing had come with instructions! Thought hadn't even crossed my mind. It was driving me nuts. Endplay was great, clutch pack (front) was great. Air checked ok.... seals on front piston good.... wasn't until the conversation turned to "what do the seals on the accumulator piston look like"...... Uhhhhh there isn't one. :) Got an accumulator coming, new clutches and steels, new band, cleaned the drum up on the brake lathe at work today. Still staying with the 3.8 lever. Trying to think if something like this would have every bothered me... you know, like wanting to point the finger at someone. At this point I'm glad I have an explanation and a solid reason as to why. Huge hydraulic leak will do that. Should be back in business by the weekend. Did't pre enter to MaTS, but looks like we'll make it!