Finally figured it out!! Prototype underway!!

Matt, best of luck. I hope you make millions your first year out. ;)

Reason for patent?? Well..
I come from 3 generations of very smart inventors but also very ignorant..
All is true believe or not, doesn't hurt my feelings.
Great grandfather was a engineer and machinist.
He designed and built the locking hubs on the jeep. Also design and built the first sealed chain unit on motorcycle. Among lots of other things. Too stubborn and back then didn't feel necessary to patent. Well say the least one of his customers is the one that got rich off the hubs. My grandfather and father also designed and built things that most of you would recognize but lost them. My dads friend stole his idea bc he talked to much... So there are the reasons.
I am by no means trying to get rich, but instead build a quality product for us and try to make a little money doing what I love to do.