Tear down SOOOO hard

Consider yourself lucky. I'm on Year Ten and still in the thick of it.
Use FABO as a motivational tool when you hit a dry spell. Every time I get "busy" with life and slack off being on FABO, things just slide by the wayside.
I try to get on here every day to keep the juices flowing.
Here are some other pitfalls to avoid, as posted by our members:


Don't know where that thread came from but it definitely will be read! Right now I really don't have a "budget" as this is one I have always wanted. My first car was like this but now I get to build it the way I really wanted my first car to be. Lucky for me my wife doesn't ask questions like "what did that cost" as long as the money comes out of my account and not general funds for the house. I'm actually hoping to have this ready for next years Woodward dream cruise.