Heat-sink trans coolers. Who's got them, and how do you like them?

The more I think about it, the more I feel like I made a mistake by not installing a separate transmission cooler after my rebuild.

So looking around online, I'm seeing a lot of options. One option that piqued my interest is these finned heat-sink coolers.

Just looking at them, I'd imagine they'd work just fine.

More poking around online, and I have yet to find anybody that was unhappy after installing one. The closest to any negative feedback is just people who've never used them, guessing that they might not work as well as a normal one.

The simplicity is definitely appealing. Just a straight tube with fins and a couple fittings that ya slap on your frame-rail.

So who here has installed one of these things? Any pictures to show where you chose to mount it? Regrets? Praises?

Thanks in advance for any input.

I forgot on my other post to answer your question about mounting. ALL transmission coolers should be mounted so they are in direct air flow, which means mounting it behind the grill. Coolers will at times come with 4 plastic connectors that they tell you to put through the rad. Not the best way to mount them, as they can cause wear on the rad. Any cooler I've installed were mounted to the rad cradle. More work for sure, but much better than the other method.
I also think if you're only using an auxilary cooler, a tube and fin style is a poor choice.