Problems with Mike440

Here's his truck that he bought a few months ago. Then he put some LED's on it with of all your's money...

He is a fireman locally there somewhere, volunteer, I think...

Maybe find out where and give the fire chief a call to let him know what kind of person he really is. I don't think that fire departments like their employees to be doing this kind of stuff...

figgy708 Dedication is something to be proud of. Weather it's in sports, work, volunteering or just in general. I am proud to say I am dedicated to being a fire fighter and serving my community. No matter what time of day, no matter if I'm sleeping or how tired I am and no matter what I'm doing (as long as I'm not out of town) I drop what I'm doing to make the call. Being dedicated and helping the community is what being a fire fighter or EMT is all about.

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Here's a post from one of his web pages with the typical "family issues" excuse...

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