The "BIG" Chair.

Well folks, It finally happened,...

After 37 years of membership in the Lyme Volunteer Fire Company, The membership has elected me as "The Chief",...

Whoa, It's still sinkin in...

I've been hangin around the Hadlyme station since I was 10 with my Dad and Uncles,...My grandfather was also an officer in the department, and my Gramdma's brother was one of the first chiefs and a charter member,...I was officially voted in as a member at 16 in April 1978. I've held every line officer position in the department starting in 1988 when I returned from my service in the US Navy

I am truly flattered and honored to be elected as the leader of this organization, I gots some big shoes to fill from my predessessors,....but I have a good crew of officers, staff and members, plus the blessing of my wife.... I never set out to be the boss, I just liked doin it...

So now the Cherokee gets a siren, and I get a dozen phone calls a day,...but I'm still a bit thrown off by everyone calling me "sir" or "Chief",

Check out our website down below, It's even updated already,...

Wish me luck, maybe if I do good they'll reelect me next year...