Took 6 years, but I'm finally starting my new race car.

Well May 20 2015, which is less than a a month away will be 3 YEARS since I started this project thread! After being at the body shop for two years and cost running a whole lot more than I was told I threw in the towel. I ordered a new Freedom 8.5 x 24 enclosed car trailer and just picked it up on 4-22-15.
I then went to Milton Fl. picked up my unfinished 68 Dart sedan, and I'm hauling it home to park it in my new hauler in the yard. I'm going to contemplate just where I'm going from here with this thing. As soon as I get a chance I'll get some pictures of it and post them to show you where it's at right now. I'm not sure just yet what and the hell I'm going to do with it. I have more money in this thing at this point than I care to say. Still needs body work,fiberglass body parts fitted and paint before I can put the thing together. I'm kind of just sick about the whole thing. gotta take some time to think about it.